What does the legal guardians feature consist of?
The ability to attach a Legal Guardian to a patient aims to simplify patient and monitoring set up using DentalMonitoring.
With this feature, from the dashboard, you will be able to:
Create or edit a legal guardian
Add or detach a legal guardian to a patient
On the other hand, the legal guardian experience on the patient app will also be revamped:
They will receive their own activation email to log into the app on their own device
They will have access to their dependents’ profile at any time through the app.
Additionally, the Legal Guardian is in copy of all emails sent to the patient, including scan report.
How to use the legal guardian feature?
You can access the legal guardian feature on the dashboard, through the patient card.
Add a guardian:
From the patient card, a new tab is visible named “Guardians” with:
The guardian(s) already attached to the patient
The ability to add a guardian
By clicking on “Add a guardian”, a pop up will appear and you will have to enter the email address of the legal guardian.
If the guardian already exists in the system
You will just have to set up the relationship guardian / patient
If the guardian is new in the system
You will have to enter the guardian’s information and set up the relationship
The new guardian is then displayed in the patient card. To update the guardian's information in the system, make sure you click on “save information”.
2. Manage a guardian
From the “Guardians” tab, under the “Patients” section, all guardians linked to a patient are displayed. This is also where you can change guardians’ information.
As a doctor or a DMC, you will be able to see all the guardians of your patients.
By clicking on “Manage patient’s guardians” on the patient card, you will be redirected to the guardians tab of the patient card. You will be able to:
edit guardians’ information
detach a guardian from the patient