Quick replies 快速回覆
Quick replies 快速回覆

An efficient and controlled way to send direct messages to your patients 快捷、可控地發送直接訊息給您患者的方法

Emma Foures avatar
作者:Emma Foures

What are Quick replies? 快速回覆是甚麼?

Quick replies are a library of pre-saved messages that can be used directly in your direct communication with your patients, for a more efficient and controlled way to communicate with them on a daily basis.

The quick replies library is available under Configuration > Quick Replies.

快速回覆讓您更快捷及可控地跟您的患者作日常溝通,是所有可直接使用的預先儲存訊息 的存庫。

快速回覆的存庫可以在設定 > 快速回覆找到

How to use Quick replies?


There are two ways you can use quick replies:


  1. Save past messages as quick replies

  1. 儲存過去的訊息作快速回覆

  • In the communications panel, hovering over past messages you sent will display the "save as a new quick reply" button.

  • 在通訊頁面,把鼠標移到您已發送的舊訊息上,將會顯示“儲存為新快速回復”的按鈕。

  • Upon clicking, a pop-up will appear, allowing you to save your quick reply and add a title, modify/customize the content, and save.

  • 點擊後,會出現讓您加上標題、修改/個人化內容和儲存您的快速回覆的視窗。

  • Your quick reply is ready to use!

  • 您的快速回覆已可供使用了!

    • You can now use your quick reply in the communication panel, when clicking on "use a quick reply":

    • 您現在可以在您的通訊頁面,點擊 “使用一個快速回覆”使用您的快速回覆。

    • The quick reply will populate in the communication panel. You can change anything in the text if you wish to, and send it!

    • 您的快速回覆將會顯示在通訊頁面,如果有需要,您可以在發送前先修改內容。

    • You can also use quick replies when using the "draw in picture" functionality, and send it immediately or later on.

    • 您可同時在使用’快速回覆”時使用”在照片上繪畫”的功能,然後隨即或稍後發送。

2. Create quick replies from scratch

2. 自定快速回覆

Under Configuration > Quick replies, you can also create new quick replies from scratch.

您可以在設定 > 快速回覆自定新的快速回覆。

As you move forward, you will still be able to edit, duplicate, or delete your quick replies!

