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Aligner number reached

Be alerted once your patient reaches a certain aligner number

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

You can choose to be alerted when your patient reaches a certain aligner number. To do so, click on the ‘configuration’ tab, then ‘protocols’ and select the protocol you want to modify.

Once in the protocol, select the ‘aligners’ category and then ‘aligner number reached’. Click the checkbox for ‘aligner #’ to select a new aligner number. You can then select the aligner number you want to be alerted of and then set the patient message and/or team instruction you want to trigger once this aligner number is reached.

You can set up notifications for as many aligner numbers as you wish. If you want to delete a notification you can simply uncheck the notification. You can save all your changes in the protocol by clicking on save.

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