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Scan Frequency & Excluded Teeth
Scan Frequency & Excluded Teeth

We are making changes to adjusting scan frequency and excluded teeth at the patient level: here's what you need to know.

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

Following your feedback, we have simplified the way scan frequency and excluded teeth are modified for specific patients.

It was previously necessary to access the patient protocol in order to modify these two settings. From June 20th 2022, scan frequency and excluded teeth will be removed from the protocols and moved to the quickstarts.

Both settings will also be available on the patient card, for an easier daily management of your patients.

What is changing?

Two settings are removed from the Protocols and now available in the Quickstarts:

  • Scan frequency

  • Excluded teeth

When setting up a new quickstart, you will need to select the scan frequency for the specific patient. You also have the ability to set excluded teeth (optional).

Please note: existing quickstarts inherit the scan frequency and excluded teeth from the current protocols.

If you do not use quickstarts as of now:

  • scan frequency has to be set manually when starting to monitor a new patient

  • tooth exclusion can be set directly from the patient card.

  1. How to view and edit scan frequency from the patient card?

Customization of the patient protocol is moved to the patient card's Monitoring information tab.

From there, you can change:

  • the regular scan schedule

  • follow-up scan after no-go (dynamic aligner change patients)

2. How to view and edit excluded teeth from the patient card?

Like scan frequency, tooth exclusion can also be done from the patient card:

  • from the Monitoring information section

  • or directly from a notification

Please note: tooth exclusion already set in the patient protocol has been moved directly to the patient card during the release. You do not need to take any further action.

In addition, it is now possible to exclude teeth from:

  • an observation (e.g. slight unseat)

  • a set of observations (e.g. aligner tracking)

  • a group of observations (e.g. aligner)

It is now also possible to:

  • see at a glance all excluded teeth for a given patient

  • search for an observation to exclude teeth from, using the search bar

  • edit excluded teeth

  • reset one, several or all excluded teeth

What happens when pausing/stopping/resuming a patient's monitoring?

Excluded teeth customizations are kept on the patient card if the monitoring is paused or stopped.

When starting a new monitoring, you will not lose the customizations set up for a given patient. The patient setup combines any teeth exclusions set in the selected quickstart as well as the patient customizations if set in addition.

Excluded teeth can still be viewed and edited from the confirmation pop-up and/or the patient card at any time.

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