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Patient Labels

Easily triage and classify patients on your dashboard

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a month ago

What are Patient Labels?

Patient labels aim to help you optimize patient management using DentalMonitoring.

With this feature, you now have the ability to classify patients based on your practice workflow, for instance:

  • Identify specific patients for whom your staff needs to take specific actions (set an appointment…)

  • Assign patients to a staff member for notification triage purposes

  • Group patients based on their treatment phase

How to use Patient Labels?

You can use the labels feature on the dashboard. To be easy to use, you can use it from several places on the web dashboard (Patients list, Notification center or Patient Card)

I. Add Label(s):

  1. From the Monitored Patients list or the Notifications Center

  • Patient by patient

  • Several patients at a time, using the ability to select multiple patients

2. From the patient card

II. Choose from existing labels or create the label you want to attach to a given patient

When clicking on “Add a label”, a pop up will appear where you will see all available labels as well as the ability to add new labels.

III. Attach the label(s) to a patient

By clicking on “Apply”, the selected labels will be applied to the patient(s)

IV. Remove the label(s) from the patient

You can remove one or several labels directly on the Monitored Patients list, the Notifications Center or from the patient card, by clicking on the cross.

V. Filter by label

You can filter the list by one or several label(s) (Monitored Patients list, the Notifications Center) to easily find patients or notifications.

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