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The new AI-guided scan process, designed to provide optimal photo quality to doctors and a user-friendly experience to patients.

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

What is ScanAssist?

ScanAssist is a new AI powered way for patients to take their scans.

This new scan process has been designed to ensure high-quality pictures, increased confidence in scan reports and a better patient experience.

  • ScanAssist maximizes the quality of every scan by giving patients guidance and real-time feedback so you can be assured they are consistently biting correctly and capturing every corner of their mouth.

  • ScanAssist provides a gamified experience. Patients' teeth are transformed into a 3D model tracking their movements in real time and patients need to catch targets by moving the ScanBox pro inside their mouth to take the pictures. This way, the scan adapts to the patient’s pace when scanning.

  • The scan sequence has been updated for patients wearing removable appliances, to start the scan with aligners in, so patients are wearing their trays for a few hours before scanning and the real fit is captured.

Who is ScanAssist available for?

  • ScanAssist is compatible with the ScanBox pro

  • ScanAssist is available for all new created patients

  • Minimum OS versions supported are iOS 13 for iPhones and SDK 26 for Android devices

How to obtain ScanAssist?

ScanAssist will be progressively rolled out from June 2023 to March 2024.

Get in touch with your sales representative to know when your practice will be enrolled!

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