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Rejection Reasons Guide: ScanBox pro
Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

What is a rejected scan?

When you complete a scan via your app, your photos will be sent to our platform for analysis. These photos need to meet a minimum standard of quality, otherwise our system won’t be able to analyse them correctly. If this happens, you may get a message saying that your scan has been rejected. Don’t panic! All this means is that you will need to take the scan again, following the suggestions given to you in the app.

The perfect scan: What am I aiming for?

Your scan photos should be sharp, detailed, in-focus and well-lit. We should be able to see all of your teeth clearly, as well as the gums surrounding them.

Common reasons for rejected scans:

Let’s have a look at some of the common reasons your scan may get rejected.

Reason #1 Your photos are blurry

If you move your camera too fast while taking your scan, you may end up with blurry photos.

Follow the on-screen guide while moving your ScanBoXpro: this will maximize the chance of taking sharp pictures.

Reason #2 Photos are too dark

Your app should trigger the camera’s flash automatically, but in some cases, your photos may still appear too dark. Make sure that your phone’s flash is not obscured by the ScanBox pro support and is visible through the pairing window.

Reason #3 Camera is not in the middle of the tube

Make sure your camera’s lens is positioned correctly when taking your scans. If your phone has more than one lens, the best way to ensure you are using the correct one is to open your app, take a demo scan, and adjust the position of your phone in the phone support until you can see it positioned inside the cheek retractor tube.

Reason #4 Back teeth not visible

When scanning from side to side, you need to make sure you pull the cheek retractor tube as far back as possible (without causing you any discomfort, of course!) so that your molars (the teeth at the back) are visible. In the photos below, the molars are completely hidden by the cheek retractor tube.

Reason #5 Occlusal (up/down) views not clear enough

If you are asked for an occlusal photo, make sure you tilt your head back/forward so that we can see the biting surface of your teeth.

Reason #6 Lips or Tongue hiding teeth

When taking your scans, make sure that your lips or tongue do not cover the surfaces of your teeth or your gums. This can be avoided by making sure the cheek retractor tube is inserted correctly, and that you keep your tongue in a retracted position when taking occlusal photos.

Reason #7 Fogged up lens

If you breathe out through your mouth while taking your scans, you may cause condensation to appear on your lens, making your scans appear ‘foggy’.

To avoid this, breathe through your nose while scanning.

Reason #8 cheek retractor tube too small

The cheek retractor tube comes in different sizes to adapt to different mouth sizes. If you use a size that is too small, we won’t be able to see your teeth and gums well enough. You should be using the biggest size that is possible to wear without causing discomfort. You may need to contact your clinic or supplier to get a larger cheek retractor tube.

Now you know all the tips to get the perfect scan!

Best of luck :)

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