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ScanAssist Patient Tips

Here are a few tips to help you master ScanAssist

Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago
  • Thoroughly wash your hands and brush your teeth prior to scanning or make sure you have brushed them before inserting your aligners

  • As the ScanBox pro must be firmly attached to your phone, we recommend you remove the phone case prior to installing the ScanBox Pro.

  • Make sure the volume of your phone is high enough for you to hear the vocal guidance

  • Stand in front of a mirror to properly see your phone screen.

  • Video loops will guide you through installing the ScanBox pro and inserting the tube: these will keep going on until these steps are completed. The app detects automatically when a step is complete and will move you to the next phase

  • Once the tube is in your mouth, follow the prompt and move the ScanBox pro left and right to start the scanning process

  • Don't rush while scanning

  • Use your cheeks and lips to maintain the tube in place (if there is light coming inside the tube it can confuse the AI and make the experience glitchy)

  • While scanning, move the ScanBox pro and your phone, not your head

  • To scan successfully, move the ScanBox pro to catch the targets showing on your screen. The app detects the action you're doing, just follow the prompts to move to the next step. If you miss a target as you scan side to side, simply go back and try again to capture that target. Once you have completed a step, it will automatically move to the next scanning phase, until the end.

  • To help you further during the scan, you can turn on the 'visual aid' from the scan menu that will give the ability to see your teeth (menu accessible when removing the tube from your mouth).

  • If you are struggling to catch the dots towards the back of your mouth, simply hold the ScanBox as far back as you can reach (hold it as still as possible). You will then see the dot begin to blink and finally disappear allowing you to move onto the next step of your scan

  • When scanning your upper or lower arch (occlusal views), if you can’t reach the most extreme targets, the same system of assistance will work to allow you to move to the next phase

  • On the phase showing only 3 dots, dedicated to capturing your bite, please listen carefully to the guidance: when moving towards a target, keep your mouth open, then, on the target, bite down.

  • If you can't bite down (open bite, bite turbos, …) on the biting down step, just close as much as you can and do not move for 4 seconds to give the AI the time to detect your bite. Then you won't be prompted to bite down anymore and you'll be able to scan

  • If you really can't reach 1 target despite the assistance and the guidance, you can skip the step as a last resort. To do so, trigger the Pause menu either by removing the tube from your mouth or by tapping the cog button available throughout the scan process. Simply click on “Skip step”, this will force go to the next step and all pictures already taken will be saved.

  • Once all steps are completed, please review your scans before submitting to ensure they fit the required views and do not close the app until the upload of the scan is complete. You will see a confirmation when the upload is complete.Closing the app prior to the upload process being completed will result in the scan failing to be sent to your doctor for review.

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