Preparation Before Scanning
Wash Your Hands & Brush Your Teeth
Thoroughly wash your hands and brush your teeth before starting.
If you’ve already inserted your aligners, ensure your teeth were brushed beforehand.
Set Up Your Phone
Remove your phone case to securely attach the ScanBox Pro.
Turn up your phone’s volume so you can clearly hear the vocal guidance.
Position Yourself
Stand in front of a mirror to see your phone screen easily.
Installing the ScanBox Pro
The app provides video loops to guide you through attaching the ScanBox Pro and inserting the tube.
Steps will automatically advance when completed.
Scanning Process
Start Scanning
Insert the tube into your mouth, follow the app prompts, and move the ScanBox Pro side to side.
Don’t rush—slow and steady movements give the best results.
Hold the Tube Securely
Use your cheeks and lips to keep the tube in place.
Ensure no extra light enters the tube to ensure you capture the best scan possible.
Move the ScanBox Pro, Not Your Head
Follow the on-screen targets and prompts to capture the required images.
If you miss a target, go back and try again.
Visual Aid Option
If needed, use the "Visual Aid" feature in the scan menu to see your teeth while scanning (accessible in the pause menu when the tube is removed).
Reaching Back Targets
For hard-to-reach areas, hold the ScanBox as far back as possible without moving. Targets will blink and disappear when captured correctly.
Scanning Upper and Lower Arches
If extreme targets are hard to reach, the app’s assistance will guide you to move on after enough data is collected.
Capturing Your Bite
On the "3-dots" phase for your bite:
Keep your mouth open as you approach the target.
Bite down when instructed (or close as much as possible if you have an open bite or bite turbos).
Stay still for 4 seconds to allow the AI to detect your bite.
If You Encounter Difficulties
If a target is unreachable:
Use the Pause menu (tap the cog icon or remove the tube).
Select “Skip Step” to save your progress and move to the next phase.
Final Steps
Review Your Scans
Ensure all required views are captured and clear.
Complete the Upload
Wait for the upload confirmation before closing the app.
Closing the app prematurely may result in a failed upload.
Tips for Success
Be patient and follow the app’s guidance step by step.
Reach out to your doctor or support team if you experience issues.