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ScanAssist Handout
Emma Foures avatar
Written by Emma Foures
Updated over a week ago

1. What is ScanAssist?

ScanAssist is a new and innovative scan process that uses AI to provide the best patient experience and the most precise photos possible.

This new scan process has been designed to ensure high-quality pictures and a better patient experience.

ScanAssist features:

  • ScanAssist provides a gamified experience. A 3D model represents the patient’s teeth and replicates their movements in real time (rotation, angulation up & down, opening and closing of the mouth)

  • The patient must catch the targets shown on the screen by moving the phone, and the ScanBox pro tube inside their mouth to take the pictures at their own pace

  • Pictures are taken when targets are reached to allow capturing every corner of their mouth

  • ScanAssist maximizes the quality of every scan by giving patients guidance and real-time feedback ensuring they adopt the right position and movements

  • An additional step dedicated to occlusion guides the patient to consistently biting correctly

  • The scan sequence has been updated for patients wearing removable appliances to start the scan with aligners in. This way, patients are wearing their aligners for a few hours before scanning and the real fit is captured.

  • Scanning phases smoothly flow one after the other. Once a step is completed, the next one automatically starts without having to double tap on the screen.

Who is ScanAssist available for?

  • ScanAssist is compatible only with the ScanBox pro

  • ScanAssist is available for all new patients

  • Minimum OS versions supported are iOS 13 for iPhones and SDK 29 (Android 10) for Android devices (please note that not all devices are compatible).

2. Getting started with ScanAssist

A. All new patients created on the DentalMonitoring dashboard will automatically be set up with ScanAssist and will be reflected on the Patient info tab of the patient’s card:

Scan process v2 = ScanAssist

Scan process v1 = original scan process

The new patient creation process remains unchanged: the patient will receive an email with instructions on how to download the DM App and a link to log in to their account.

B. Newly created patients may have to update their phone’s operating system prior to downloading the application

The minimum operating system required for the application is iOS13 and Android 8 (SDK29). Patients can verify their phone’s operating system like so:

  • On iOS: under ‘Settings’ > ‘General’ > ’Software update’ > iOS version will be displayed with a mention whether an update is available or not.

  • On Android: ‘Settings’ > ‘System’ > ‘System update’ > Android version will be displayed with a mention whether an update is available or not.

Please note that not all phone types are supported by this scan process.

Once the DentalMonitoring application is downloaded and launched, it will automatically select the appropriate scan version for each phone type.

3. First patient scan / training scan

Training your patient remains essential as well as explaining why their treatment is monitored and why scanning on time is crucial.

Please make sure all patients watch the tutorial video before their first scan.

The patient must be guided to install the ScanBox Pro and insert the tube in their mouth. The scan process starts with instruction video looping until the ScanBox Pro is fully installed. We recommend removing the phone case prior to installing the ScanBox Pro to ensure the needed stability.

Please note that we strongly recommend choosing the biggest tube provided (size L), to enable the AI to capture as much data as possible, and move to the smallest only if it is too big for the patient.

As the scanning phases actually begin, the patient will follow the vocal guidance and move the ScanBox Pro to catch all targets.

The vocal guidance combined with the visual targets to catch will help the patient easily adopt the right movements to successfully take their scan. You will intervene for support if needed.

4. Switching a patient over to ScanAssist

We recommend not transitioning a patient to ScanAssist who has already been scanning with the original scan experience as the patient is likely accustomed to the current scan process. However, in some cases (patients experiencing persistent rejections, delivering low scan quality…), transitioning from the original experience to ScanAssist can be considered.

If you decide to switch over a patient, here is how to proceed:

A. Go to the Patient info tab in the patient card; click on Edit patient info green button, then on Scan process version, choose v2 and save information.

B. The patient will have to make sure their phone operating system is updated before updating their DentalMonitoring application. To do so:

  • On iOS: under ‘Settings’ > ‘General’ > ’Software update’ > iOS version will be displayed with a mention whether an update is available or not.

  • On Android: ‘Settings’ > ‘System’ > ‘System update’ > Android version will be displayed with a mention whether an update is available or not.

Patient must be on version 7.18.0 of the DM App or above. They can check their DM App version directly:

  • When logged out: at the bottom of the Login page of the DM App

  • When logged in: at the bottom of the Profile page of the DM App

Very important: Patients also need to select ScanBox pro as their scan equipment, under their Scan settings.

C. When launching the application, it will automatically select the appropriate scan version for the phone type.

5. While scanning

  • If the patient can’t reach the most distal targets on the side to side scans or on the occlusal views:

    • As they reach their maximum, they must hold that position, stay still so the AI detects the resistance and activates the assistance to automatically validate these targets. This will allow the scanning process to move to the next step.

    • Please note if the patient keeps moving back and forth, the assistance cannot activate.

  • The bite scanning phase requires the patient to open the mouth, move towards a target and bite down to catch each target and complete the phase.

  • In case the patient is wearing bite turbos or has an open bite, they will be prompted to bite down until the AI detects they can’t. They will have to close as much as they can and not move for 4 seconds to trigger the assistance so the scan is taken as is.

  • Visual aid option: the patient has the possibility to display a visualization of their teeth together with the 3D model during their scan as shown below.

This can be done in 2 ways:

  • Via the ScanBox pairing screen (on/off option)

  • Via the pause menu (visual aid button)

6. Troubleshooting common issues:

  • The application is set up to detect at an early stage if the phone starts to overheat and may in this case, recommend the patient to close the application and let the phone cool down for a minute before starting again.

  • In case of lagging during the scan, or any technical issue the patient may encounter with their phone when taking their scan, here is how to proceed:

    • Carefully listen to instructions

    • Use the assistance when struggling to reach extreme targets, as previously described

    • Activate visual aid

    • Remove the tube to activate the pause menu and skip step to move to the next scanning phase

    • Switch off 3D experience (switch over to v1) as a last resort

The patient can switch off ScanAssist and move to the other scan process via the scan settings of their phone. Simply by turning the 3D Experience off as shown below:

For any question, please contact your Customer Support or Implementation Specialist.

7. Scan process presentation talk track

Here are some suggestions for you on how to present the scanning process to patients:

“Your treatment is monitored so we know precisely how your treatment is going between 2 appointments. You will come less often for in office visits and will take scans with DentalMonitoring every week/2 weeks. Thanks to the scans you’ll take, we will know how your treatment is evolving and if it is on track. If we were to spot anything major, we will be able to spot it right after your scan, and will make you come in practice if necessary.

Consider your weekly / biweekly scan as a visit: scans are essential steps of your treatment and you must scan on time so we see you as often as we need and check on your treatment..

Tutorial: please make sure the patient has watched or will watch the tutorial.

Installing the ScanBox pro:

“The ScanBox pro enables you to take your scan. It must be well attached to your phone, so I recommend you remove the case before installing the ScanBox pro.” Then, show how to position the ScanBox pro.

Taking the scan:

“The scanning process will start with a video helping you to install the ScanBox pro (make sure your phone volume is high enough)and the tube - it will loop until you have completed the steps. You are then prompted to insert the tube in your mouth - this will also loop until it is done. Your teeth and gums should be fully visible.

Then, stand in front of a mirror to get started. You see the 3D rendering of your mouth and move the ScanBox pro to catch all targets/dots on the screen. There is no need to rush. Move only the ScanBox pro and your phone, not your head. Once you have completed a step, it will automatically move to the next scanning phase, until the end.

If you are struggling to catch the dots towards the back of your mouth, simply hold the ScanBox as far back as you can reach (hold it as still as possible). You will then see the dot begin to blink and finally disappear so you can move onto the next step of your scan!

At the phase dedicated to capturing your bite, please listen carefully to the guidance: when moving towards a target, keep your mouth open, then, on the target, bite down.

Once all steps are completed, please review your scans before submitting and keep the app open until the upload is completed, so your scan goes through.

The DentalMonitoring app will be our preferred communication channel: for any question that you may have, simply send it to us via the chat. We will reply the same way.”

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